When Should You Wear Sunscreen?
February 11, 2025
When you think back to summer days spent enjoying sunny weather at the beach, park, or pool, you probably can’t forget slathering yourself with sunscreen every few hours. On long days spent in the sun it’s crucial to protect yourself from harmful UV rays — but what about during your normal day-to-day activities?
Let’s dive into why wearing sunscreen is important and when you should be applying it to keep your skin protected.
Why Is Wearing Sunscreen Important?
Even on cloudy and stormy days, the sun emits harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. These rays can damage your skin’s cells and cause aging, spots, and skin cancer. Skin cancer is prevalent regardless of age, gender, or skin tone.
It’s estimated that one out of every five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Sunscreen, along with other sun-safe habits, can help lower your odds of developing skin cancers and keep your skin looking youthful and healthy.
When Should You Wear Sunscreen?
Unless you live in an underwater submarine, you should be wearing sunscreen every day — no matter the weather or how long you’ll be spending outdoors. Even if you’re planning on spending all day inside, you can still get exposed to UV radiation through windows or the windshield of your car.
Dermatologists recommend applying at least a lightweight SPF 15-30 sunscreen for everyday use on skin that will be exposed to sunlight. You can protect your body by covering up your arms, chest, and legs if you don’t want to apply sunscreen everywhere.
In the fight against skin aging, damage, and skin cancers, an ounce of prevention (and sunscreen) can go a long way. If you’re stuck on the best routine to protect your skin, be sure to reach out to your dermatologist for health advice.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace direct medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider.
“Sunscreen FAQs.” American Academy of Dermatology Association.
“Yes, You Should Wear Sunscreen Every Day.” Cleveland Clinic.