A young woman in a straw hat and swimsuit smiles as she applies sunscreen to her shoulders while at the beach.
Healthcare tips

How to Choose the Best Sunscreen for You

June 25, 2024

As you head outside this summer to soak up the sun, it’s important to take the proper safety precautions. While spending some sunlight is important for getting vitamin D, it can also lead to health issues and undesirable consequences for your skin. 

In addition to causing premature aging and pigmentation, overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancers. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, but sunscreen can help protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

In this article, we’ll explore tips for choosing the right sunscreen for you. 

Check Sunscreens for the Best Specifications

When you head into your local pharmacy to buy sunscreen, there are a few key things you’ll want to look out for in any product you end up choosing. Check the bottle’s label to make sure it includes that the sunscreen or sunblock is:

  • Broad Spectrum: This means that the particular sunscreen can protect your skin from a variety of UV rays that can potentially harm your skin. Broad-spectrum sunscreens are a layer of defense from both UVA and UVB rays. 
  • Water Resistant: Most doctors and dermatologists recommend that you choose a sunscreen that is water resistant. Generally, these sunscreen products last longer (which means less frequent application) and can withstand your skin getting wet or sweating. 
  • SPF 30 or Higher: The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you select a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Avoid Pore-Clogging Ingredients

If you have acne-prone skin, summertime can be tough. You have to contend with more sweat, more sunscreen, and other factors that can potentially break your skin out. 

Luckily, as sunscreens have advanced there are more formulas than ever before on the market designed for acne-prone skin. When you pop by your pharmacy to pick up sunscreen this summer you’ll want to look for a few key phrases on the bottles. Generally, sunscreens with these descriptors are a good option and are less likely to clog your pores:

  • Oil-free
  • Non-comedogenic 
  • Fragrance-free 

Though you may be tempted to go without sunscreen, it’s essential for the long-term health of your skin that you use it daily. Take the time to thoughtfully select your sunscreen and maybe consider investing in a high-quality sunscreen to minimize the chance you’ll clog your pores. 

Select Ingredients for Your Unique Skin Type

Sunscreen isn’t just for days at the beach — it should be a part of your everyday skincare regime. It should fit in well with your overall routine and address your specific skin concerns. If you tend to have more dry skin, you’ll want to consider a sunscreen that has added moisturizers to keep your skin looking fresh and plump. Moisturizing sunscreens may also help prevent your sunscreen from settling into and exacerbating the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. 

If you have skin that’s on the other side of the spectrum and tends to be more oily, you’ll want to search for a sunscreen that is oil-free or matte. Luckily, there are also many sunscreen options today that also contain ingredients that can help improve the appearance of your skin as well. Look out for sunscreens containing niacinamide, ceramides, and peptides for an added skincare boost.

For patients with sensitive skin, choosing the right ingredients is even more important. You’ll want to look for physical (or mineral) sunscreens rather than chemical ones, as the latter can cause irritation. Fragrance-free is also a safe bet for minimizing reactions.  

Whatever your skin type is, rest assured that there is a sunscreen out there for you. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about what sunscreens could be the best option for you to stay safe this summer!

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