A paper reads medication adherence and is surrounded by medicine and a stethoscope.
Best practices

How Technology Can Impact Adherence at Your Pharmacy

September 19, 2024

The driving force behind a successful pharmacy is its patients. The key to getting lots of healthy, happy, and loyal patients for your practice is by providing exceptional care — and an important component of exceptional care is the promotion of adherence. 

Medication adherence is critical for patient outcomes, yet many patients struggle to stay consistent. Fortunately, there are technology solutions that can significantly boost adherence rates, streamline pharmacy operations, and improve overall patient satisfaction.

Automated Refill Reminders

One of the simplest yet most effective ways technology can help is through automated refill reminders. Many patients forget to refill their prescriptions, leading to missed doses. 

Automated text messages or app notifications can remind patients when it’s time for a refill, ensuring they never miss a dose. Solutions, like Nimble, can improve adherence but also reduce the time staff spends manually calling patients.

Digital Pill Dispensers and Reminders

Smart pill dispensers and wearable tech are becoming popular tools to ensure adherence. These devices can alert patients when it’s time to take their medication and track whether they’ve taken the correct dose. This can be particularly beneficial for elderly patients or those with complex medication regimens.

Patient Engagement Applications

Patient-facing apps, like Nimble, provide a direct line of synergy between the pharmacy and the patient. These apps allow patients to track their medications, discover health tips, and request refills, further fostering adherence.

By embracing these technologies, independent pharmacy owners can enhance patient care, streamline operations, and ensure patients remain adherent to their medications — ultimately driving better health outcomes.

Discover how Nimble can improve adherence at your practice while also unlocking new revenue streams, today.

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